Friday, June 18, 2010

First week wrap up

Wow what interesting feedback on this blog!  I fear that the people that are in my life are going to be finding out all kinds of things about me that they never knew before!  Bring it on, I can take it. :-)  You KNOW I'm always up for lively debates!  Stay tuned, the topics get more interesting.  

I don't expect everyone to have all of the same beliefs as I do. I'm just hoping to encourage you all to remember to keep your minds open, especially as some of these topics relate to your own lives.  Most of the feedback came via email to me, it would be great if you all started leaving comments as well, so they can be shared with all.

Please let me know if there are topics you would like me to talk about, or even if you would like to "guest blog" and add your OWN thoughts on these or other matters. 

I decided to start writing this blog because it's important to me to keep my body and my mind strong as I rack up those birthdays. I'm always learning about new things.  I love to chat about what I have going on, but since my interests are so diverse, it's not always easy to match the conversation with the audience!  For example, this upcoming week I'm taking a Reiki workshop, and a class on Dreams.  A couple of weeks ago I took a 4 day class on Project Management for IP phone systems.  A bit of a dichotomy, wouldn't you say?  My right brain is frequently at odds with my left brain!  I'm always sharing my newest passions with the people around me, this blog allows them to pick and choose what topics they're interested in.  In any case, I see so many Baby Boomers/Generation Xrs feeling lost and discouraged as time goes on, I hope I can help motivate a few of you to change your mindset.  It's not too late to do ANYTHING!  Keep on keepin on. 

Thanks so much for all the kind words and encouragement!  Feel free to email me or call me if there's anything you want more info on, or just want to chat.  I'm feeling the love!

Live as if time is Infinite!


Sue said...

I am impressed by your energy. I can't imagine taking a class in anything right now. Between work and commute, my son and having a boyfriend - I find it hard to get a moment for myself and when I do I usually use it for sleep!
Good luck with your blog and I will check in from time to time.


Karen said...

Thanks Sue! Wait until Sam drives, then you will really just never see him :-). That's basically WHY I have time, I'm making sure I'm around so the teenagers don't rule!

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen - great blog. I hope you enjoy exploring all that life has to offer. If you haven't already, may I recommend you read a book called Celestine Prophecy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Again, good luck and I'll check back from time to time to see what you're up to next. xoxo Kim

Karen said...

Thanks Kim, I WILL check that book out!