Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Wednesday posts are going to be focused on Intuition and Mindfulness.

Meditation, where do you find the time, and how do you stay focused?  What's the best way to get started?

I'm still working on that.  I started with guided meditations, which help me stay focused.  I've never been particularly good at sticking with meditation, so I made a commitment that I would meditate every day.  I keep hearing it will change my life. 

I loaded up my IPOD with guided meditations, you can find them free all over the Internet.  Now I was stressing about having TOO many meditations!  Not a great start.  (Maybe I should be de-cluttering my IPOD)

You really have to stick with it, and keep on meditating, even if you feel like you spend more time thinking about all the laundry you should be doing.  My mind runs at 100 MPH most of my waking hours, I really want to learn how to turn it off on occasion!  It does get better and better as you practice.  I'm finding now, a couple of months into this, that I am once again becoming more distracted, so I'm working on that.  It's also important to be wearing loose comfortable clothing, something too tight can distract you as well.

It's so important to really isolate yourself when you start to meditate.  You need to really shut out the external and internal distractions as best you can.  Not an easy thing to do, unless you live alone, with no pets.  My initial goal was to try to meditate first thing in the morning, and last thing before I go to sleep. That almost never happens.  I already get up before 6AM every morning, and unless I literally don't get out of bed before I meditate, something grabs my attention first.  I have to tiptoe into the bathroom and hope the puppy doesn't hear me!  Not likely.  On weekend mornings I get up, take care of the dog, get myself a cup of tea, and head back to my room or out to my deck to meditate.  Weekdays not so much, kids are getting ready for the day and always need something.  I love morning meditations, it's awesome to start your day with a clear mind.  I'll keep you posted if I find a good way to get them in more often!

Evening meditations are wonderful, you're sleepy so it's a very different experience.  There are some nice guided meditations that are designed to be listened to when you're going to sleep. It's a fabulous way to wind down your day, and calm down your mind for a good nights rest.  If there's something in your life you're hoping to manifest or focus on, meditating on that topic before you go to sleep is said to tune your dreams and soul into those desires.  I find I dream so much more when I meditate before sleep!  I'm keeping a dream journal, that's a topic for another day.

I've even tried to meditate during the day!  On weekends that's do-able, on weekdays it's a riot.  I've tried to find a quiet lot, in my car, sitting in a pretty place, hoping no cops come by and knock on my window wondering if I'm alive!  There's the delicate balance of needing the car battery on so I can listen to the meditation, and now that it's June, so the AC can run.  I don't want to asphyxiate myself, so then there has to be open windows, you're starting to get the picture.  Not exactly the stress free environment I'm shooting for.

Progress, not perfection. 

Here's Deepak Chopra on learning to meditate.  He did this clip for the Dr. OZ show a few months ago.  I love love love Deepak Chopra, his books are wonderful, his voice is so full of peace.

Another Deepak guided meditation, a short meditation focusing on natural beauty, and finding your own inner beauty through mindfulness.

There are some different meditation techniques.  There are Mantra meditations, Chakra meditations, Heart Centered meditations, Trataka meditations, and more.  You really have to experiment and find what resonates with you.  I find different techniques work for me at different times, so play around.  Here's a good article describing different techniques.

Meditating, for me, is starting to feel like a splurge on myself, fabulous!  Making time to meditate is now as wonderful as making time for pedicures.  I had no idea I would be so enthusiastic about it!  I love the little bit of tranquility it brings to my life.  With all of the decisions that I have to make on a daily basis, this tranquility is much appreciated.

Here are some resources to check out when you have some time:

For those of you that use ITunes, go the the Itunes store, search for meditations, and narrow down to podcasts.  They're free, and there are tons and tons of them.  Try and find the ones that feel right for you.

Colette Baron-Reid Intuition 101: Meditation and Stillness for Busy People

Meditation Center Meditation Center

Meditation and your health National Institutes of Health

Meditation Oasis Meditation Oasis

Live as if time is infinite!


Unknown said...

So I'm loving my friend more and more everyday! My life is so stressful right now - major unwanted job change - it's been so hard...we'll talk at the beach. I'm needing a way to calm down and step away from my stress. So, I read your meditation blog full of so many resources. You rock! As I'm reading, I'm thinking of asking you for links, but as I continue, you have them all listed!! Thanks Karen!

Karen said...

You're very welcome! We'll be very "ZEN" at the beachside old age home someday!